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Tab Styles

Tab Style is an attribute of a managed Tab that can be edited by the Subscriber.

When the ISV changes the tab style (or defines a new custom icon), these changes will not be delivered to subscribers via package upgrade.

Tab Styles in Salesforce

What’s Updated by ZuppIO

All managed Tabs are copied as-is from Source to Target org.
All related icons are copied as-is (as Document) from Source to Target org.

What’s Ignored by ZuppIO

ZuppIO does not update:

  • Managed Tabs that exist in the Source org but not in the Target org.
  • Managed Tabs that reference custom icons missing in the Target org.
  • Managed Tabs with renamed labels.

How to Deploy Tab Styles in ZuppIO

To deploy Tab Styles, follow these steps:

  1. Open a Job.
  2. Press the New Step button.
  3. Name your step.
  4. Select Tab Styles as the step type.
  5. Choose what you want to deploy:
    • "All tab styles" → Deploy styles for all managed Tabs.
    • "Select tab styles" → Select specific managed Tabs from the available list.
  6. Save your changes.
  7. Select your new step.
  8. Select at least one Target org.
  9. Choose an execution mode:
    • Press Validation → Runs the job in "checkonly" mode (validates but does not apply changes).
    • Press ExecuteApplies changes to the Target org(s) without validation.